Ministerial Groups

Group of Workers

The worker is the pastor or preacher who, out of love for souls, carries the message of salvation and takes care of the spiritual life of the parishioners. In Mita Congregation, the Holy Spirit of God uses the term "worker" alluding to the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, chapter 9 and verses 37 and 38: « The harvest is so great, and the workers are so few, he told his disciples. So, pray to the one in charge of the harvesting, and ask him to recruit more workers for his harvest fields." The workers are in charge of proclaiming and spreading the divine message based on the Holy Bible, organize religious services, pray to the sick, help the needy, visit the brothers in their homes or hospitals, offer religious funeral services, organize spiritual retreats and any other work inherent in their ministry. The workers of our Congregation do not receive a salary for their labor, but they exercise it out of love. In addition, we have hundreds of deacons and deaconesses, who help the workers in the different congregations, collaborate in visiting hospitals and homes, assist the needy, do charitable works and help in the organization of religious services.


Through music the message is preached to souls, bringing them peace, joy, and blessing. The music ministry is made up of devoted brothers of good testimony who work in the different musical groups of the congregation. The musician is part of the musical participation of religious services, vigils, concerts, special activities, outdoor services, among others.

Corps of Guards

Founded in 1947

More than 300 brothers and sisters are part of the Volunteer Guard Corps. They are properly uniformed and trained to provide surveillance service and maintain order in the community. They do not use any type of weapon, since they are servants of peace. In addition, they have a barracks and a patrol that circulates at night, and it is dedicated to supervising the surveillance posts in the area where the Congregation has its dependencies. They work in coordination with the police.


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