In the 1920s, Juanita suffered from a severe gastric disease that kept her under medical treatment for 12 years. Her condition worsened so much that she couldn't even eat. The doctors gave her up and it was then that, in her bed, Juanita cried out to God and promised that if He healed her, she would serve Him and go through fields and towns announcing the gospel of health and salvation. God heard her cry; An old lady who used to visit the sick came to her house and prayed to her, leaving Juanita totally healthy instantly. From that moment she fulfilled her promise and she gave herself to God, joining the Pentecostal Church.

Juanita García Peraza
Juanita García Peraza was born on June 24, 1897 in Hatillo, Puerto Rico. She came from a distinguished, upper-class family. Since she was a child, she demonstrated great moral and spiritual values, love for the poor, great sensitivity to the pain of others, courage, integrity and charity.

She began to distinguish herself in the church for her love, humility, dedication, and holiness. She was president of the ladies' group and God used her in prophecy, she rebuked sin and called for the unity of God's people. The leaders of the church could not understand that the Spirit of God was manifested in her; they did not accept the great plan of the Lord to unify His Church. Because of this, Juanita faced situations of immense pain: she was humiliated, because she was a woman, they told her to shut up; but she was always so humble that she confidently waited on The One who chose her. The Holy Spirit of God told her one day: «My servant, lend Me your body; I need you for a great work. Whoever listens to you hears Me and whoever unites with you, will unite with Me ». Afflicted by all the persecution that was raised against her, she cried out to God, and while she was praying in her room, she saw by revelation a star descending from heaven in circular motion. In her mind she wondered where it would fall, but it crashed into her forehead: it was the light of God's Holy Spirit confirming her ministry.
In the year 1940, together with 11 brothers, she left the Pentecostal Church and began to preach a triple message of Love, Freedom and Unity. These were the following: Teófilo Vargas Seín (Aarón), Pedro Vargas, Encarnación Seín (Concepción), Luis Barrios, Octavio Velázquez, Blasina Barreto, Juan Catalán, Tomasa Catalán, Justa Corchado, Juana Allende and José “Pepe” Pastoriza. The Free Church is formed and they begin to meet in Arecibo, both in the houses of the recently converted brothers and in rented temples. Juanita García decided to leave all her material possessions to serve God in humility.

In 1947, the Congregation moved to the capital city, San Juan; from there it begins to develop and spread its message. In addition to the great spiritual work, she carried out an extraordinary social-community work. She preached in the best way: with her example. She managed to turn her community into a fully organized one. She developed cooperatives and corporations that offered the opportunity of employment and great benefits and economic improvement to the members of the community. She established a Bible school, known as the Counselor, to instruct, orient, and guide children in their all-round development. She created musical academies, bands and choirs. Among her multiple compositions, the following hymns stand out: Triumphal March, Welcome, The Candlestick, The Vision, The Just, The Pure in Heart, The White Stone, If You Have Acted as a Believer, The Walls of the City, among others.

She established a Corps of Guards with the purpose of giving free surveillance to all the properties that the Congregation was acquiring and to the community in general. She established a group of preachers, men and women preachers, deacons and deaconesses who do good, preach, pray for the sick and carry out extraordinary work wherever the Mita Congregation goes.
As a visionary, she longed for and prophesied the creation of a shelter for the care of the elderly and a
school for children and adolescents in the community, which after her death came true. She did a great
missionary work visiting the sick in their homes and hospitals, praying for them, offering help to those in
need and doing good with full hands. She visited prisons with words of encouragement, consolation, and love.
Her evangelistic work was amazing. She always had exhortation and advice on her lips through the wise word,
the admonition on time, but at the same time the patience and temperance that always characterized her.
It was to be expected that her ministerial work would greatly influence the social field and the personal
improvement of many human beings and entire families throughout Puerto Rico. Many alcoholics, drug addicts
depressed were rescued and are now useful men and women, responsible and upright citizens. Her profound
preaching of great spiritual content achieved the divine purpose of transforming everyone who heard and
accepted the message.
Her influence was such that it crossed the borders of Puerto Rico to foreign lands, establishing the
Congregation in the United States (Washington DC, Chicago and New York) and in the Dominican Republic (Santo
Domingo and Santiago de los Caballeros).
We emphasize that Juanita García Peraza gave women the opportunity of full expression by allowing them wide
participation in the Church. She marked the beginning of a new era for women in Puerto Rico
and the world. At a time when
they were not allowed to officiate in the Church, Juanita broke barriers and opened the way for the
of the female pastorate, confirming the words of the prophet Isaiah 27,11:«When the boughs thereof are
withered, they shall be broken off: the women come, and set them on fire». Just as Deborah arose
as a spiritual mother in Israel, Juanita García Peraza arose as a mother to gather people for salvation.
After having done an extraordinary job for 30 years, on February 21st, 1970, she was called by God to
rest. The work of her hands prevails in the heart of her people, as a faithful testimony of her tireless
struggle and her unconditional love. Before the end of her ministry, she, in front of a group of witnesses,
called Aarón and told him: "Take care of my children and I will repay you", giving him the work to
her legacy. In the year 1978, she was awarded the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in Administration
Touch the main images to see the other biographies.
Teófilo Vargas Seín
Teófilo Vargas Seín (better known by his spiritual name Aarón) was born at dawn on the 23rd of October 1921,
in a humble little house in the Aibonito neighborhood of Hatillo, Puerto Rico. His parents were Pedro Vargas
and Encarnación “Concepción” Seín. Faced with a difficult pregnancy, Concepción called out to God to allow her
to have a good delivery and promised Him that if her child was born healthy, she would give him entirely to
the service of God.
Her request was granted and the boy was named Teóflo (Theophilus), which means "beloved of God."
Teófilo grew up under the divine grace with the right direction of parents zealous for good, within a humble
home, full of honor, Christianity and great spiritual values. He was a disciplined son, hardworking and helper
of his parents. He attended a Pentecostal Church with them and he enthusiastically participated in Bible
studies and interpreted the texts with spiritual virtue. As he tirelessly yearned to learn, he sought out the
elders of the Church to acquire from them greater knowledge and wisdom. When he was 10 years old, the family
moved to Arecibo, where he wanted even more spiritual gifts and studied the Bible.
One day while he was walking through the town of Arecibo he saw Juanita García Peraza and recognized that she
was a special lady and full of God, even without knowing her personally. The astonishment was such that he
never forgot her face. God arranged for her parents to come to the same Pentecostal Church she was attending
to. When he saw her, he recognized her, but his astonishment was much bigger when that night they called her
to preach. The soul of that child vibrated, and in those moments, he was able to understand that God spoke
through her mouth. He felt an inexplicable alliance with her and followed her everywhere.
In 1936, when Teófilo was 15 years old, he came to the house of ‘’Sister Juanita’’ and he found her kneeling in prayer. Seeing this, he knelt in the other corner of the room not to interrupt her, until suddenly the Holy Spirit took her away, she looked for olive oil (liquid that the Holy Spirit has always used for the anointing of His chosen instruments) and poured it on his head saying to him: "I anoint you to be a minister of the Kingdom." From that moment he was consecrated to the preaching of the word of God.

Teófilo was part of the group of 11 brothers who in 1940 left the Pentecostal Church together with Juanita
Garcia Peraza. From that moment, he went through the fields and towns of Puerto Rico announcing that the
Spirit was gathering a church for salvation and spoke through the lips of a lady in Arecibo. In addition to
being the first preacher, he was also the first guard, first administrator, first builder, farmer, and
percussion musician of the Band. He stood out in the Congregation for his holiness, selflessness and
commitment to the Work of Mita.
In 1957, he managed and led all the procedures for the incorporation of the Congregation before the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. He was appointed vice president of the Board of Directors. God sowed in him all
those qualities that a prophet should possess: holiness, integrity, firmness of character,
willingness to sacrifice, courage to face problems, wisdom and divine discernment, temperance, benignity,
goodness, charity and above all, an immense love for souls.
For having been chosen from before birth, and anointed to be a minister of the Kingdom, when the Lord
considered resting the body of Juanita García Peraza, He entrusted His people to Aarón saying through the
mouth of Juanita García: «Take care of my children and I will repay you». This is how in 1970,
Aarón assumes courageously the leadership of the Mita Congregation.
Under his guidance the tremendous growth of the Church of Mita began, growing much more in the Dominican
Republic and the United States, and expanding to Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, El
Canada, Ecuador, Spain and Switzerland.
He dedicated his entire life to evangelistic preaching, helping people in need and visiting the hospitals
praying freely to the sick, regardless of whether or not they were members of the Congregation. In all the
countries where the Work of Mita arrived, he established musical bands, a corps of guards and built temples.
He always went to these countries to bring the encouraging word and the triple message of Love, Freedom and
He established the Mita Congregation School, the Egida and El Paraíso Institution (Shelter House), the Office of Guidance and Social Work and Los Hermanos Memorial Park. He has inspired the entire Congregation with his example and work. In the year 2003, in the inauguration of the new temple of the Santo Domingo congregation, the former Governor of Puerto Rico, Hon. Rafael Hernández Colón expressed himself this way about Aarón: "This man commands and goes, and he practices what he preaches.’’

Promoted the development of the Fine Arts with the establishment of musical academies and bands around the world. Under his leadership, he established The Harp Ensemble and The Orchestra of Violins. Among his many compositions, the following stand out: My Encounter with Mita, Mita is the True Dawn, How Much I Love Your Law, We Give You Thanks, Calling With Love, The Heavens Tell Your Glory among others. After almost 85 years of ministry and 51 years of being in charge of the Church of Mita, on January 18 of 2021 he was called by God to eternal rest. Since 2012 he had appointed Rosinín as Spiritual Mother and leader of the Congregation.
Touch the main images to see the other biographies.
Rosinín Rodríguez Pérez
Rosinín Rodríguez Pérez was born in Guayama, Puerto Rico, on October 18, 1937. Her mother was Isabel Pérez
Vázquez and her father Heriberto Rodríguez Fonseca. At the age of four she went to live in San Sebastian. She
grew up in a home filled with great spiritual and moral values. Since she was a child, she stood out for her
love, intelligence, kindness, sweetness, and her great sensitivity towards spiritual things.
She would look up at the sky and would ask Jesus that she wanted to walk with Him, that she wanted to see His
face and be with Him as others did in the past.
When she was very young, she became seriously ill and her mother cried out to God to send an angel to heal
her. Suddenly, Isabel had a vision of a child angel, who walked barefoot, landed on the little bed of Rosinín
and prayed to her. Immediately the girl was completely healed. Isabel always said that the the holy face of
that angel was engraved in her mind and if she ever saw him again, she would recognize him.
In 1955, she entered the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, in the program of pre-engineering, where
she studied for a year. In 1956 she transferred to the Río Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico,
Faculty of Social Sciences. In 1959 she finished her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences with a concentration
in Psychology and Sociology. She then completed 18 credits at the level Master's degree in Counseling and 20
credits in Education from the University of Puerto Rico.
Her first work experience was at the José M. Lázaro Library of the Universidad of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, as a librarian's assistant. Her second experience of work was at the J. R. Dávila Intermediate School in Bayamón, where she worked as a Spanish teacher and of Social Studies. In 1960 she was a visiting teacher in the camps of the Department of Education. In 1961 she worked in Vocational Rehabilitation as a counselor, where she had the chance to help various members of the Congregation to finish their vocational careers. Then she went to work in the Social Security Disability Determination section as a counselor.

In 1962 she worked at the Youth Opportunity Center of the Department of Education. From June 1965 to March
1971, she worked as an occupational counselor at the Labor Department.
The year 1962 was transcendental in her life, as she met Mita and joined the Congregation. Her soul was
dazzled by the spiritual beauty of this Work; it was what she longed for as a child, to walk with Jesus as did
those of old times. Every Sunday she visited the pastoral house of the Congregation, to spend time with the
Person of Mita and the brothers. She was learning the spiritual laws and how a Christian should be. All those
divine teachings resounded in her interior, and they were transforming her. By the year 1966, she was called
by God to live in the pastoral house of the Mita Congregation. From that moment she felt that God was
preparing her for the future, because she saw that Mita insistently taught her the law and to treat Aarón with
love and consideration.
On one occasion, The Person of Mita wanted to visit Rosinín's mother. When Elizabeth saw Aarón —who
accompanied them— was stunned and exclaimed:««Rosinín, he is the angel who healed you when you were a
girl. He is the angel! I knew I would recognize him».
In 1970, after the death of Juanita García Peraza, she continued faithfully at the side of Aarón collaborating
in all the projects of the Congregation.
She accompanied Aarón on all his ministerial trips with a view to expansion and internationalization of the
Work. Wherever she went, she received the love of so many thousands of brothers who saw in her a being full of
kindness and affection.
She was always arm in arm with Aarón in the multiple architectural projects and development of the Church of
Mita, always being his most trusted person. She was on top of all constructions, remodeling, expansions and
extensions of temples in all countries. She made sure that the correct planning and organization of all
aspects in the Mita Congregation was in place. Over and over again, Aarón expressed his appreciation for her
effort, care, and dedication for the good of this Work of Mita.
She has stood out for her great moral and spiritual values, for her dedication, commitment, devotion and
loyalty to the Congregation and to all the parishioners.
She has been:
- Member of the Pastoral House of the Mita Congregation.
- Founding member and first administrator of the Colegio Congregación Mita (School).
- Founding member of the Égida e Institución El Paraíso (Shelter House).
- Founding member of the Social Assistance and Guidance Office and first administrator.
- Godmother of the Mita Band.
- Founding member of Los Hermanos Memorial Park.
- Founding member of the Duarte Medical Health Center.
- President of the Board of Directors of Los Hermanos Corporation.

Since 2012, she was designated by the Holy Spirit through Aarón as the Spiritual Mother of the Church of Mita and the person who was to succeed him in the leadership of the Congregation. Under her ministry and direction, the Church of Mita has arrived in the countries of Chile, Nicaragua, and Italy, continuing the legacy of expansion left by Aarón. Her artistic composition is fruitful. These hymns stand out: Holy Love, Burning Love, Life, You Are My Reason, Faith, Love and Peace, Do Not Forget About Me, Dream, among others. Since the year 2021, when Aarón is called by God to rest, Rosinín assumed the leadership of the Mita Congregation and is the instrument through whom we hear the voice of God.
Touch the main images to see the other biographies.