
The Work of Mita arrives in Canada in 1991. Sisters Jhojane, Dominga and Carmen "Morena" Rodríguez had joined the Mita Congregation in the Dominican Republic since 1971. Later, they settled in Montreal, Canada. There they remain, persevering in prayer and conserving their faith. By May 1991, the worker Oscar Rodríguez was pastoring the congregation in New York and took an excursion with the brothers to see Niagara Falls. Aarón invited them to also go to Montreal and visit the Rodríguez sisters. They coordinated to do a religious service. The Rodríguez sisters began inviting coworkers and others they knew in the area to come over. The service took place on May 12, 1991. In it, the brother of Guatemalan origin and husband of Jhojane Rodríguez, Eduardo Castillo, joined the Work, who in turn became the first brother from Guatemala to join the Congregation.

From that moment, Aarón asked the workers of the New York, Boston, and Connecticut congregations to take turns going to Montreal on weekends and thus congregate the brothers. On Sunday, October 27, Aarón arrives in Montreal, where the group of parishioners had already grown. On October 25, 1993, Aarón left Eduardo Castillo and Carmen "Morena" Rodríguez at the head of the congregation. The congregation continued to grow and at the beginning of the 2000s a band began to be formed, which was officially founded on November 25, 2001. In 2006 the Work expanded to the city of Calgary, province of Alberta, since the Dominican brother Alejandro Pontier moves to that city for work reasons. A group of brothers also began to meet there. Currently, there are hundreds of brothers who have embraced this church in Canadian lands, both in the city of Montreal and in the city of Calgary.


A testimony that we want to share is what happened to our sister Jhojane Rodríguez de Castillo in 2001. The doctors diagnosed 85% of her body with cancer and did not give her much chance of life. Faced with this situation, she decides to call Aarón and tell him about her critical health situation. Aarón prayed for her and in his prayer he asked God to burn her cancer with the fire of the Holy Spirit. By decision of a prestigious medical board, the sister was going to have to undergo surgery. It was thus that two weeks after the prayer she presented herself before the doctors. One of them tells him: «I don't know how I'm going to tell you this, but something big has happened here. I don't know how to tell you, but the results of the new biopsies have come out negative. That is why I will call you “La femme du miracle”». Our sister did not have to take chemotherapy and received healing. When she contacted Aarón to tell him her testimony, he responded very happily: "Glory and honor be to Mita!"